Triangle Brick Company Hosts Annual Masonry Contest

Brick Manufacturer to Host Annual Masonry Apprentice Skills Competition for Cash and Tool Prizes in Durham, NC


(Durham, N.C. – May 18, 2019) – Triangle Brick Company (TBC), a brick manufacturer, is excited to be hosting this year’s Annual NCMCA Samuel A. McGee Memorial Masonry Apprentice Skills Contest at their Durham, NC headquarters.

The North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association (NCMCA) orchestrates a skills competition every year for masonry apprentices. During this competition, the apprentices will be provided with a drawing layout, along with cladding products, in order to produce the final design under a two hour time frame. Judges, consisting of local construction businesses, will be present to determine the winner. The contest winner will receive the “David R. Sigmon Award” and a cash prize as the 2019 NCMCA Apprentice Skills Contest Champion. Other competitors have a chance to win tool prizes as well.

“This contest showcases our masonry industry’s talented up-and-coming apprentices,” said Kent Huntley, president of NCMCA. “We use this contest, and many other competitions, to promote NCMCA’s workforce development program.”

The masonry contest will be held at the TBC headquarters, which is located at 6523 NC HWY 55, Durham, NC 27713. The event will take place on Saturday, May 18, 2019 from 9 a.m. till 2 p.m. Food and beverages will be catered for the contestants and viewers. All are welcome to this rain or shine event.

“Triangle Brick is very much looking forward to facilitating this year’s masonry competition,” mentioned Howard Brown, president and CEO of TBC. “We want to spread awareness of masonry as a reliable, rewarding job skill in addition to getting the local community involved in such a great event.”

Contestant registrations are now being accepted. The registration form and more information about the event can be found here.


About Triangle Brick Company

Triangle Brick Company is a leading brick manufacturer headquartered in Durham, N.C. in addition to being the largest brick manufacturer based in North Carolina. It was founded in 1959 with an original plant beginning production in 1960. Currently they have three brick manufacturing sites located in North Carolina and Texas. Its products are currently supplied to dealers and distributors, builders, and masons in 33 states throughout the U.S. For more information, visit

About North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association

The North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association was chartered in 1974 to promote masonry as the building material of choice and a great career opportunity. The Association has some 133 member firms in eight local chapters across the state and represents the interest of masons and the masonry industry with career advisors, regulatory agencies, in codes and standards development, the legislature and with building design, development and construction decision makers. For more information, visit

